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Oreo dipped in chocolate

Preparation : 15 minutes

Cooking : 2 min

Servings : 8-12 Oreo cookies


  • 8-12 oreo cookies
  • 300 g white chocolate (or white candy melts )
  • 50 g of cocoa butter ( optional )
  • Transfer sheet 1 (optional )
  • Equipment ( optional): 8-12 Silicon mold round cavities .


  • We melt the chopped chocolate with cocoa butter in the microwave , programming of 30 in 30 seconds, stirring each time. We must do so with care not to burn the chocolate , you know that you white chocolate is more delicate and difficult to melt . 
  • Now, how to work in this recipe will depend on whether or not we have mold .
  • If you have mold , place it on a tray ( to remove later without losing form) . Cut circles from the sheet of transfer size of the mold cavities and place them at the base ( with the rough part , which is the one sticking up). Pour a couple of teaspoons of chocolate on the sheet to cover it. Place a oreo cookie on top , and finished coated cookie with another couple of teaspoons of chocolate. We give a few hits with the tray on the table , so that the chocolate is well distributed in the molds, and all voids or air bubbles that may have become refilled . ( We hit softly, not thinking about the neighbor who always parks on your site ) .
  • Let cool in the refrigerator or in a cool, dry winter now (summer , refrigerators must! ) . Once solidified chocolate, cookies unmoleded , and removed carefully detaching the transfer sheet (works as a bumper sticker chocolate). 
  • We keep the cookies in a cool place until consumption. With this option out 8 to 12 cookies , depending on how much chocolate we use for mold, and its size.
  • If you do not have mold , bathe in chocolate cookies , draining the excess. We have cookies on a sheet of baking paper. With a spatula, move to the other tray lined with baking paper (it's the only way that the excess chocolate is completely removed) . Cut the transfer into squares the size of our cookies , and place on each cookie , pressing lightly with your fingers so that it is attached (remember , the rough side of the transfer in contact with the chocolate! ) .
  •  Let cool in the refrigerator or in a cool , dry place now in winter (summer , refrigerators must! ) . Once the chocolate solidified , withdraw carefully detaching the transfer sheet ( works like a sticker for chocolate). 
  • We keep the cookies in a cool place until consumption. This option will go over 12 cookies, since much less of chocolate is used to bathe
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